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Our Dedication Of Year-Round Giving
Our Dedication Of Year-Round Giving
All Accidents, Anywhere
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Prior Insurance Negotiators that know the games carrier's games after the accident.
Lawyers that prepare your case for trail to force the carrier to pay you the maximum recovery possible.
Our network of experts helps to fortify your grievances prove the impact on your life.
Known throughout the industry for being hard-nosed, fearless, and tenacious with insurance companies.
Are you looking for a Houston auto accident attorney? Have you been injured in a car accident? Does the accident involve a multi-car collision? If you have an injury due to an auto accident in Houston or in any other place in Texas, you need to contact a Houston car accident lawyer from Pusch and Nguyen Law Firm as soon as possible.
With the help of our Houston car accident attorneys, you can recover:
Medical expenses
Lost wages
Physical pain
Mental anguish
We Can Help You With
Gathering evidence to prove liability for the collision
Find caring and compassionate medical providers
Covering your medical bills
Avoiding financial difficulty while out of work
Communicating with the insurance company, so you don't have to
Recover full and fair compensation for your injury
Texas Auto Accident Statistics
The most recent report was issued in 2016 and it records Traffic Crash Statistics. Although the statistics decreased from the previous year, the results are still astounding
There were 3,773 crash fatalities
Over 1,500 of those fatalities are passengers in a car.
Speeding was a factor in approximately 1,022 fatal crashes!!
Alcohol was a factor in 987 fatal crashes!!
As a result of auto accident crash deaths, the medical and work loss costs in the state of Texas amount to $4.89 billion! (www.cdc.gov)
You or a loved one is very likely to be involved in at least one auto accident during your lifetime.
These unfortunate statistics are created every day. Sometimes these car accidents are caused by the negligence of the other driver, leaving you as the victim. In addition to the emotional shock that car accidents cause, car accidents can also result in major injuries or even death. Injuries from an auto accident can be devastating producing physical pain and suffering and may have a long-term financial impact. If the accident resulted in a death, family members of the deceased may want to file a wrongful death lawsuit to get compensation for their loss,:and pain. In an unfortunate situation like this oneFailure to observe traffic ordinances such as stop signs, red traffic
Drunk Driving (DUI)
The Driving Speed: A person driving either too fast or too slow may cause an accident.
The following factors may be considered negligence in an auto accident:
a knowledgeable Houston car accident attorney from Pusch and Nguyen Law Firm can help.lights
Text messaging or talking on a
Failure to use headlights
Reckless or careless driving
and other traffic signsphonegriefcell
Safe Driving Tips
With all of the traffic in Houston, Texas, trying to avoid auto accidents can be difficult. Practicing safe driving can greatly decrease your chances of being involved in an auto accident. Below are some safe driving tips that every driver should be aware of:
Always be alert!—avoid driving when tired to keep from dozing off at the wheel and losing control of your vehicle
Maintain your focus, NO CELL PHONES—people who talk on cell phones while driving are four times more likely to have an accident
Be aware of severe weather conditions!—Florida is known for its unpredictable weather. Sudden weather changes have the potential of making driving conditions very different
Avoid driving in heavy storms and be cautious of high winds. If you must drive, decrease your speed.
Drive slow in foggy weather, keep your lights on low beam and be wary of vehicles and pedestrians that you may not be able to see.
Always use your turn signals
Avoid tailgating— In the event that a car has to stop suddenly, driving too closely behind a vehicle can result in a rear end collision
Try not to cut in front of vehicles—cutting in front of vehicles can cause serious and sometimes fatal auto accidents.
Avoid driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol—alcohol impairs one’s ability to make split second decisions and can negatively affect one’s ability to judge distances when driving
Be aware of other cars on the road—while you may be practicing safe driving, other drivers may not. It is important that you always remember you are not the only car on the road!
Unfortunately, even the safest drivers may find themselves involved in an auto accident. If that driver is you, or a loved one, Help is Here!!! Contact our Houston car accident lawyers for a no-cost evaluation of your case.
Common Causes of Car Accidents
Head on Collisions
As experienced Houston car accident attorneys, we are all to familiar with the ordeal an injury victim and his/her family goes through following a head-on collision. As reported by the U.S. Census Bureau, head-on motor vehicle collisions can be the most harrowing and fatal of motor vehicle collisions. The resulting injuries from these accidents often include permanent disfigurement, permanent immobility, and even fatality. Pusch & Nguyen makes it our priority to begin our investigation on the outset in order to understand and ultimately bolster the basis of your motor vehicle collision case.
Road Rage
When a motorist is driving unsafely, with intentional disregard for safety, and knowing that their driving may cause a motor vehicle collision; that motorist is a reckless driver. When a reckless driver is found to be reckless, he/she could have been driving in a threatening or harassing manner out of “road rage” and caused a motor vehicle collision. This interaction is an assault committed at the hands of the reckless driver. Like any assault, criminal charges may follow from this type of conduct.
Aggressive driving is defined as a pattern of conduct involving illegal driving conduct such as speeding, illegal/improper lane changes, excessive lane changes, erratic lane changes, failing to properly signal, and/or illegal/improper passing.
If you find yourself on the road with an aggressive driver avoid the driver when safe, avoid any eye contact or other non-verbal communication, do not impede said driver,safe report said reckless driver to law enforcement.
High Speed Collision
Excessive speed is a contributing factor for almost a third of all motor vehicle collisions involving or causing a fatality. Traveling at excessive speeds at the time of collision may put your vehicle under such unanticipated force that the structural integrity of the vehicle can’t possibly protect its passengers.
Travelling at excessive speeds causes diminished reaction time to avoid a collision, creates the need for a greater stopping distance, increases crash force, reduces effectiveness of safety devices such as airbags and seatbelts. Surviving a high-speed collision leaves the victim with grueling and costly recovery process in terms of both physical and emotional recovery.
Texting While Driving
Despite the obvious hazard of texting and driving, the number of motor vehicle collisions caused by texting while driving is on the rise. This is clearly one of the most precarious driving distractions we face. Pusch & Nguyen have seen many fatal motor vehicle collisions that could have been simply avoided by keeping eyes on
road and off of the phone. Make it a point to prevent yourself from making a terrible mistake, and keep your phone stowed while driving; it is not worth it.
Side Impact Collisions
Side impact motor vehicle collision happen on a regular basis, are very serious, and regularly result in fatalities. Side impact collisions, or t-bone collisions, usually take place at intersections as a result of one driver’s failure to yield the right of way. The seriousness of a side impact collision depends on various factors, such as the speed and vehicle weight of the oncoming vehicle, and the point of impact. Side airbags can reduce the likelihood and severity of injuries. However, never allow a child twelve or under to sit in the front seat; regardless of impact, the impact of an airbag can be lethal for children.
Drunk Driving Accidents
Motor vehicle collisions involving drunk driving result from said driver’s diminished cognitive capacity; the drunk driver is unable to maintain a single marked lane of traffic, unable to stop in time, or even realize the impending collision. In certain cases, liability for the collision may also lie with the provider of alcohol. Surviving a motor vehicle collision caused by a drunk driver
Operating a motor vehicle after drinking is elective 100% of the time. Anyone who has a had a drink, followed by a drink, and then maybe another knows full and well the impact of alcohol on one’s cognitive capacity. Shockingly, drunk driving remains one of the preeminent causes of injury and fatality on U.S. roadways. But, people still gamble with their life and the lives of others by driving drunk and/or under the influence of alcohol.impart on the victim a terrible ordeal involving a painful and expensive recovery process, and can many times leave victims of fatality.
Asleep at the Wheel
Driver fatigue is fairly common across the
county, and frequently causes deadly collisions with even more collisions resulting in serious bodily injuries. Motor vehicle collisions due to driver fatigue are avoidable. Anyone who finds themselves driving a vehicle and is fatigued or feels sleepy should pull over into the nearest rest stop facility.
Unfortunately, drivers motivated to stay on the road for extended periods of time regularly drive with unreasonable amounts of driver fatigue. For example, truckers are a huge concern as them staying on the road means more compensation. However, there are laws regulating the hours a driver may be on the road, and the violation of those laws, when a motor vehicle collision results, can lead a jury to a finding of negligence per se.
Rollover Accidents
If you or a family member has been
injured, or even killed, in a vehicle rollover incident, the road conditions or the motor vehicle design itself could be a cause of the accident. Unsecured loads or gravel, or other debris can create extreme angles when deposited on roadways, which can easily lead a vehicle to flip or become airborne. Any defect in vehicle design that would allow for easier rollover collisions would require a fair amount of investigation and proof. Either way, Pusch & Nguyen’s car accident expertise is a start in the right direction.
Houston Car Accident Lawyers
andbruises are just a few of the injuries that you can get during an accident.
All of these injuries have negative effects on the victim. Whether it's multiple doctor visits or continuous pain and suffering, you shouldn't have to deal with these issues alone or without compensation. Car crash victims have to deal with numerous problems, including:
Lost wages
Medical bills
Physical therapy
Loss of work
Scars and disfigurement
Sometimes a person doesn't survive a crash. The family then has to deal with a wrongful death and the pain that comes along with it. If a person without insurance coverage causes an accident, it can cause even more problems for the victims. Having a personal injury lawyer on your side can help ease the situation and bring peace of mind to the victims and their families.
How Can a Houston Personal Injury Lawyer Help?
We have built an experienced and professional team here at Pusch and Nguyen Law Firm. It's our job to establish negligence on the at-fault party, to prove how much you've suffered in the accident, and to seek the maximum amount of compensation for your recovery. We'll keep you involved every step of the way and help to ease your stress throughout the entire process.
What are Your Legal Options After a Crash?
If someone injures you in an auto accident, you have the option to pursue legal justice by filing a personal injury lawsuit. The statute of limitations to file a personal injury lawsuit is two years in Texas. Though you have time to file a claim, it's best to start immediately after an accident. If you suffered an injury and can't work, you'll need compensation for your losses until you can get back on your feet.
Our Houston Car Accident Lawyers Can Help
You don't have to live through the pain or to deal with medical bills piling up after an accident. Our car crash lawyers want to hear your case. We'll help determine fault, estimate the value of your personal injury claim and work with you to obtain a fair settlement. If your case goes to trial, Pusch and Nguyen Law Firm will be on your side and protect your rights throughout the judicial process.
Contact us today to learn how we can help with your personal injury case. We'll establish your objectives and get to work on a strategy to secure the damages that you deserve.and vehicle crashes resulted in more than 254,000 injuries. When a car crash occurs, it's important to speak with a personal injury lawyer right away.
The car accident lawyers at Pusch and Nguyen Law Firm have 50 years of combined experience and a 99 percent success rate. Most car accidents happen because of a negligent driver. We want to hold these people accountable for their actions and to get you full compensation for your injuries and expenses.
What Causes Car Accidents in Houston?
Most car crashes aren't really accidents at all. They're caused by negligent drivers who were driving recklessly or weren't paying attention behind the wheel. These crashes cause numerous injuries every day in Houston, including countless deaths on Texas highways and interstates.
A negligent driver is someone who causes an accident and personal injury to someone else. Negligent driving comes in many forms such as:
Drunk Driving – There may be a law against drunk driving, but it doesn't stop people from getting behind the wheel while intoxicated. In fact, drunk drivers killed 1,024 people on Texas roads in 2017.
Distracted Driving – Distracted drivers caused 3,450 deaths across the country in 2016, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). These types of crashes can occur when people text or talk on the phone while driving. In 2017, 449 people in Texas died in crashes involving distracted driving.
Driving Fatigue – Falling asleep behind the wheel causes countless accidents every year in the United States. A person doesn't have to fall asleep to cause an accident. Driver fatigue can set in while driving on a long trip or after working third shift. If a person lacks alertness, it increases the response time needed to drive and react effectively.
Reckless Driving – Some people show no regard for another person's safety. They'll speed through red lights and stop signs, race other cars on the highway and make dangerous passes on a solid double line. These reckless behaviors lead to serious and sometimes fatal crashes.
Speeding – If a person speeds and causes an accident, it's deemed a negligent offense. Speeding increases the risk of accidents and causes tens of thousands of wrecks in Texas each year.
Car Accident Injuries and Common Problems
Not all car crashes cause injuries. However, some crashes lead to minor and serious injuries, some of which can last a lifetime. Broken bones, whiplash
cutsThese motorA car crash occurred every 59 seconds on Texas highways in 2017, according to the Texas Department of Transportation
Car Accident Lawyers in Houston.
Texas Best Pedestrian Accident Lawyers
Dedicated, Unrivaled Care After The Accident
While even a helmet cannot protect you from careless drivers, we can protect you and help you need to seek compensation for your injuries if you were injured in an accident involving another vehicle. Our experienced staff routinely take on these complex cases and remain undefeated.
Texas Only Full-Service Firm
Our legal service assists clients beginning at the accident scene with our C.R.U. emergency vehicles and ending with an ideal settlement or courtroom verdict.
No Fell Uness We Win
We mapped each city and build a network of specialists and care providers so that our clients receive care near their home or work. No more traffic or cross-city driving for treatment.
A Medical Network Near You
We work on a contingency basis, which means you don’t pay unless we recover money for you. Learn more about our no fee unless you win policy.
Millions Pain To Clients
We consistently break our own records as our Full-Service Firm continues to expand beyond the State of Texas. Millions is in the past, the future includes you.
Discuss Your Damages Today By Calling (713)800-6676

While You're At The Scene
Things change quickly after the collision, especially when the scene involves a pedestrian or bicyclist. The following tips help slow the clock and protect your recovery by giving our Highway Lawyers the information needed to maximize the monetary value of your case.
Photography The Entire Scene
The key is to do this as soon as possible before conditions change. Broken pavement, debris, or whatever it was that caused your injury should be documented before it is cleaned away. Pictures of your injuries (bruises, broken skin, etc.) should be taken before they heal. You should also hold onto all of your damaged property, but photos provide additional record).
Documents Each Witness
If possible, ask all witnesses to the accident to provide their names, addresses, phone numbers, and emails. If they don’t cooperate, snap a picture of their license plate! These witnesses may be crucial to your case.
Seek Medical Care If Needed
If you do not require an ambulance, tell the officer you will seek medical treatment on your own. Second, the validity of the claim could be questioned if you wait too long to visit a doctor. Postponing medical care gives the opposing party the opportunity to argue that your injuries are not that serious and you are simply filing a frivolous suit.
Sketch The Accident Scene
Your drawing does not have to be a work of art, but this accidents, note intersections, street names, stop lights or traffic control signs. Just try to capture the main elements. This sketch is for us — your legal team — nobody else.
We're Ready To Step In
The Highway Lawyers
Our legal service was created after noticing that Houston and surrounding areas lacked a Full-Service Law Auto Accident Law Firm. Hurt On The Highway goes the extra mile in catering to clients while investing in the client's recovery and outcome. Only Hurt On The Highway comes to the scene of the accident, has its own extensive medical network of care, has insurance negotiators within the firm, and assists in negotiating all medical bills so that our clients walk away with the most money in their hands. We love large victories, and our clients do too.

Expediency, on your part and ours. Evidence begins to fade after the accident, so contacting a lawyer quickly is needed. Our service is also designed for speed, immediate sign-up process, document gathering, and medical assessments and care, all to strengthen your claim.
The Key To Victory

Our experts are the best in the industry. A lawyer can't just say the word "JUSTICE" and cause the walls to shake. Justice is obtained by fortifying and strengthening your claim through the use of accident reconstructionists, economists, medical specialists, and our Highway Lawyers.
How Do We Strengthen Claims?

Our Highway Lawyers have earned a reputation for aggressive client advocacy and real results. In fact, they have won hundreds of thousands a year in verdicts and settlements and consistently break our own records. From cases involving catastrophic personal injuries to soft-tissue, our firm is trusted from edge to edge of this State. If you would like to learn more about how our firm can assist with your case, we encourage you to contact us immediately. We are proud to offer 100% free, confidential consultations.
Contact Information: Contact Information: Connect:
Toll-Free: (800)-321-6700 2525 Robinhood Street
Local: (713) 800-6676 Houston, Texas, 77005
Text: (281)250-9848
Fax: (713) 969-4968
Dallas, Austin, Galveston, Conroe, Beaumont, Corpus & Surrounding
Call any number provided in order to have our C.R.U. vehicle dispatched to the scene. This service is currently available in Houston, Galveston, & Baytown.
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